Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's that time of the year again...

New Year's Resolutions.

Usually, I pick two to three things and try and stick to it, but like most of my other hobbies, my dedication to these resolutions tend to come and go. I pick up knitting and stop after three or four months (that is generous, more like one or two months), only to pick it up later. I start pulling out the 6B pencils and sketch for hours on end, only to stop after completing a drawing and returning to my other "come-and-go" interests. This time, I am feeling more determined. Will that last? Only time will tell. So here goes:

  1. Update the blog on a regular basis without letting over three days go by without a new post. I have plenty of posts lined up with events that have happened during the break and all this leads to...
  2. Take out my camera at least four times a week and snap photographs of everything and anything to seek inspiration and keep myself inspired. I was going to attempt project 365 or even try the self-portrait project 365, but I don't think I am ready for that yet. There are other photography things I would like to try first, such as lighting techniques highlighted in Strobist and seen in other photography blogs.
  3. Learn to crochet, and also knit fingerless gloves. Given my nature, if I list any other knitting project, I can safely say this resolution will be marked unaccomplished come the next year.
  4. Read books (not just magazines) for leisure. I want to say a book every two months, given academic readings and whatnot, but I may have to change that figure once school kicks in.
  5. Laugh at least once a day at the simple things that will make the below-zero temperatures more bearable and the emotionally draining and mentally straining thoughts of mine less so.
I think those are enough resolutions for now. The thing is, I set goals for myself all the time. With a bunch of floormates of mine, I resolved to do sit-ups at least three times a week. That turned into a complete failure. For one week, I managed to do sit-ups the entire week, patting myself on the back for keeping it up. The next week? School projects and tests slapped me in the face and I lost the motivation to do continue. I only hope I can keep these resolutions until the end of 2009 or at least modify them only slightly to make them more doable. They seem easy enough...don't they?

Most years, I find the countdown anti-climactic. I look forward to the celebration before and after, the bonding and festivities that surround the occasion. I can only think of a handful of countdowns that felt like something. Typically? I hit that zero mark and think, "That's it? But nothing is different." I guess I forget, in that instant, that change does not come in a flash. Change does not happen instantly. I think that touches a subject and a different question all together that I do not feel like getting into.

Anyway, have a wonderful New Year's Eve celebration and may the next year be amazing, not just in that one second where 2008 turns into 2009, but throughout the 12 months, 365 days, however you want to count it. I am spending mine hopping parties and hanging out with dear friends of mine that I hold very close to my heart, for these besties of mine, are the kind that know that silence can be just as comforting as words, tears can be as healing as laughter, and doing absolutely nothing can be just as fun and priceless as doing something.


And on a side-note, check out what my cousin created! UC Stock Photo seems like such a great idea to me and I only hope that success continues. Congratulations, Albert!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays

Sorry to those who do read my blog. I have seriously gone M.I.A. the last few weeks. Upon returning home, I have just shut down and been too busy soaking in "home" to update my blog. I promise you, I will be paying more attention to this blog -- sooner than later. It is one of my New Year's resolutions along with making more trips out to downtown Chicago to take photos. Or at least, taking my camera out more often...perhaps not to downtown Chicago in the dead of winter. We'll see.

Happy Holidays, everyone. As I sit in my bed right now, rain is pouring heavily around the house and the wind sounds like it is about to rip trees out from their roots. How I miss the light snow I left in Chicago. That felt more like Christmas, but of course, being with the family and my friends from home? Priceless.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

12/3: Millennium Park

Thanks to everyone who made yesterday such a wonderful day. I had a blast -- a short, yet sweet birthday. A few phone calls and texts, a cake and some good songs and walking through slippery streets.

Last Wednesday, a group of us from the dorm took the Metra into Chicago to check out the Kriskindle market and skate at Millennium Park. The weather? Extremely chilly, but with snow falling lightly across the city and its lights, the evening seemed magical. The Kriskindle market had this giant Christmas tree, some small little food stands and a sea of ornaments, candy and Austrian goods to buy. It reminded me of Christmas in the Park back home, but even more festive and better. Ice skating? Absolutely romantic and magical. It is one of the few times I have skated on an outdoor skating rink. Last time? The wind and ice was so harsh that the rink was incredibly choppy and I could hardly keep my balance without the wind pushing me around. As much fun as it was to be showed up by my wonderful hockey-saavvy friend and teachers, I prefer the Millennium Park ice rink.

Walking through the streets of Chicago. The number of people rushing towards the Metra and stations after work? It made Chicago feel oddly enough like New York.

Cloudgate! Or more commonly known as "The Bean." Can you see the cityscape? It was the best I could do with my point-and-shoot.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

11/26: The Nelson Twins

My friend Olivia came to me one day and asked me if I could take portraits of her sister and her as a Christmas gift for her parents. I have never really done a full portrait shoot before and gladly accepted the offer to help a friend with a thoughtful gift. Plus? It was a blast just taking pictures for a few hours before heading over to her house for a delicious home-cooked Thanksgiving meal.

Here are just a few from the series:

Friday, December 5, 2008

Verbal vomit

Surprisingly, I'm finding the calm in the storm again. Recently, my mind has been filled with a pile of overwhelming thoughts. Although these thoughts are nothing new and have always been running through the back of my mind, I'm in another one of my phases where they have managed to push their way to the front and cloud my mind.

That said, there is so much going on during reading week that it is easy to get my mind off of things. In the past two weeks, I've watched over five movies, attended a capella shows, gone ice skating and explored Evanston with my friends. And yet I have been surprisingly productive with my schoolwork. Have I finally found that happy balance? I doubt it. It's probably only momentary, but I'll hold onto it as long as possible.

I'm excited to go home to sunny California. It is 17 degrees outside and it is hard to get in the holiday spirit when the Christmas lights we try to put up in our suite get ripped down.

I am not really sure what I'm trying to say in this post. Really, I'm just prolonging uploading ice skating photos from Thursday. But soon!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

11/23: Scarf

I started this scarf on move-in day in Sept., and finally finished it last night when I should have been studying for my sociology exam that is worth 35 percent of my grade. I am pretty sure I failed miserably, but I'm going to ignore that fact and hope for the best. Last time, I thought I did horribly and pulled off an amazing score, so hopefully luck is on my side this time as well.

Next project? Perhaps a hat, a blanket or maybe even a cable-knit sweater. Hah, who am I kidding?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Now this...

is snow.

What a wonderful surprise to wake up to. When I woke up just ten minutes ago and looked out my window, I grabbed my point-and-shoot and snapped this photo quickly. Time to pull out the snow boots!