Surprisingly, I'm finding the calm in the storm again. Recently, my mind has been filled with a pile of overwhelming thoughts. Although these thoughts are nothing new and have always been running through the back of my mind, I'm in another one of my phases where they have managed to push their way to the front and cloud my mind.
That said, there is so much going on during reading week that it is easy to get my mind off of things. In the past two weeks, I've watched over five movies, attended a capella shows, gone ice skating and explored Evanston with my friends. And yet I have been surprisingly productive with my schoolwork. Have I finally found that happy balance? I doubt it. It's probably only momentary, but I'll hold onto it as long as possible.
I'm excited to go home to sunny California. It is 17 degrees outside and it is hard to get in the holiday spirit when the Christmas lights we try to put up in our suite get ripped down.
I am not really sure what I'm trying to say in this post. Really, I'm just prolonging uploading ice skating photos from Thursday. But soon!
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