Friday, April 2, 2010

Pisco Sin Fronteras: Environment Center

I would say that working on the environment center was probably a few of my favorite days. Although it is hard to pick because every day was simply filled with memories and fun-filled laughter.

By the beach in Pisco, PSF is helping build an environment center with a volleyball court, swing set, play structure and bird watching tower for the local Pisquenan children. For the first day, we spent a majority of the day working in the blazing sun, disassembling large wood palates and crates so that PSF could reuse the wood to make the play structure. I also weeded the space where the sand for the volleyball court would go and we spent a portion of the day singing along to Radio La Kalle. Viktor (I honestly don't know if it's spelled with a 'k' or 'c.' Sorry!), one of the locals who is also a member of PSF, showed Dani and me a powerpoint presentation filled with before and after photos to showcase how far the project has come. Six months ago, the entire space was filled with debris. Pieces and pieces of trash covered the small ponds and locals used the space as a place to dispose of waste. Even as we were stripping wood and painting the swing set, we could see piles of trash laying by the beach side because some people have decided to turn it into a dump. Essentially, PSF's goal was to beautify the space so that locals realize the area should not be trashed. It was amazing to see how far the environment center has come.

After lunch on both days, children would come out and play on the swing set and talk to us while we worked. They were absolutely precious. There is no better way to describe them. They were so curious and kept asking us when the slide would be put up. They would ask us where we were from and the Spanish-speaking ones would respond while the true foreigners (i.e. me) would push them on the swings. A couple of them even helped -- or tried to help -- us with some of our labor. 

For me, the best part was seeing the responses firsthand. Before the center was built, the neighborhood lacked a safe, clean space to play, according to Viktor. Now, children were coming out and simply hanging out with each other and I was so grateful I could witness the benefits myself.

Plus, after a long day of work? We would just walk down the path and take a quick swim. What's not to enjoy?

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