Apologies for not keeping up with my blogging resolutions. After coming back to college, the work began piling up and is now way over my head, so I am trying to find a way to stay afloat. Honestly? I have not read for leisure yet, so there goes another resolution. Hopefully once the meetings stop, I get back on top of my work and fend off this cold, I will be back on track.
When I was younger, my family would take lengthy family trips. We took road trips to Oregon, Alaska, Las Vegas, Hawaii. The list goes on. But, as my brother and I became increasingly busier with schoolwork and schedules started conflicting, trips became shorter and shorter. So when we all find a break in our lives, my mother likes to take small day vacations...and hello, San Francisco.
The light breeze on the beach hardly compared to the below-zero degree chill waiting for me in Evanston, Ill. People were out and about, making campfires, playing with sand and pails, and walking alongside the shore.

I don't care what others say, graffiti is an art form.

When my brother hits the beaches, his eyes immediately fall to the ground as he searches for smooth, flat rocks that he can skip across the water. As I helped him look around for these tiny skipping rocks, this man bent down to sift through the sand too. I am not sure what he was looking for, but I like the little red flower pinned to his jacket.

Seagulls scare me. Especially when they are flying up in the air in flocks, but this girl was having a blast. Her mother handed her pieces of bread and she would twirl around in circles, fling the bread at the birds, and occasionally rush towards them, making the little buggers take flight.

Skipping rocks.
1 comment:
You need to start a collection of photos to publish.
I need a camera with which to learn from you.
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