This is an unadulterated, unedited photograph. It may look crappy: blurry focus, no face for the Northwestern student, dark. I could go on. I posted this photograph because it tells the story of my night.
Assigned to cover the Mens Basketball game against Indiana University, I hopped on the shuttle to Ryan Field and stepped on the court just in time for the game. But wait, I was sitting on the wrong side of the court. I quickly walk myself over to Northwestern's side of the court and settle myself between a Big Ten Network cameraman and a Chicago Tribune photographer. It was going to be a good night (come to think of it, the incident I am about to describe did not make it a horrible night. It made the night more memorable). I chatted with the Chicago Tribune photographer, and even conversed with an Associated Press photographer in the second half, but that is getting ahead of myself. I am taking pictures, nothing unusual. Freshman Ivan Peljusic comes down the court and pulls a dunk. Or at least, what I thought was a dunk, because the next thing I know, Indiana's #44 tackled me. I fall back. My camera hits the floor. I do this faux-somersault, all in a blink of an eye. Next thing I know, #44 and his fellow teammates are offering me a hand and pulling me up off the ground. The Northwestern crowd bursts into a cheer, yelling things about how this is what North By Northwestern goes through and how the camera lady is a beast.
That was the highlight of my night. We ended up winning 77 - 75 and I got some half-decent shots. I may have to send my d90 in for repair though. After the hit, my Nikon started acting up. The shutter started closing randomly, the autofocus would stop working...I am worried, but I think I could pull it off as a camera malfunction. God, I hope so.
Apologies for not updating for the past week. My winter quarter took a turn for the worse and I have been running from one class to the next and from meeting to meeting.
I promise you, I will try to blog in a timely fashion. Me and my bruises.
Fantastic story, Emily!! I hope to have a crazy journalism like this someday :].
Dude! you got to be "that guy" who gets hit at a game, I did not know this
beastly camera lady :)
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