There will be an update later with photographs from Friday, but all I wanted to say is that I love hanging out with groups of people that I feel comfortable enough to make a fool of myself with. Moments from the day? Camping out in the audio books section of Borders in matching yellow Threadless T-shirts, making fools of ourselves. Almost dying of laughter from naming Isaac's future children, all of whom will end up in therapy for having traumatizing childhoods filled with mocking and teasing. Packing six people comfortably (loosely used) into Richie's truck and simultaneously breaking out into song, singing at the top of our lungs. Curling up on the tiny beige ottoman, finally settling down from a day of hanging out to have some real talk, in Heidi's living room as my other two friends have decided to sprawl across the two- and three-seater.
I had a list of things I wanted to do back home before I head back to my other home. While I did not necessarily hit all the "to-do's," I would say break was well-spent.
Time to go back, hit the books and brave the cold.
- Update -

Missing two lovely girls in these photos, but it will do.
1 comment:
I LOVE YOU. =) alot. teeheeee!!!! TODAY IS A GOOD DAY. i'm not too sure why, but HAPPYHAPPYHAPPPYYY! =D
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