Thursday, June 4, 2009

The 195 and consider this...

I just wanted post on a new site that came to fruition from our wonderful Medill students' multitude of ideas. Check out: There are some great writers who are going to wonderful places.

I only hope I will have as many stories to tell after my four years here at Northwestern.


My fellow dormmate, Shuling, made a documentary for her fall quarter class called Behind the Drive, and I almost choked up watching it on Wednesday. Her film on ambition and what makes people tick touched on one of the big, overwhelming thoughts I have been struggling with all year. I wrote about my doubts a few months ago, but this is so much larger than journalism.

Watching these ambitious people live their lives and listening to these psychologists talk about promotion focus and preventious focus sparked some inspiration but also made me question my capabilities. Do I really have a larger purpose? Or why exactly do I do what I do?

The conclusion Shuling drew made perfect sense to me. After all, happiness seems key in any situation. If we aren't enjoying ourselves, what's the point, right?

All of this sounds vague, but I highly encourage you guys to watch it or simply talk to her because she is such a talented woman who is off to do great things (like many Northwestern students are).

So consider this:

What makes you get out of bed in the morning? What keeps you from going to sleep at night?

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