Prepare for a wordy post about everything.
I woke up this morning with a sleepy grin on my face, remembering a wonderful day in the city where I finally discovered where Haight Ashbury is. I walked out into my living room and was greeted by the white ball of fluff that is my dog. He always does this, but today, the greeting seemed a little bit more wiggly and hyper than usual. Perhaps it may be my sunny disposition? Then, as my dog pulls out what remains of his tug and looks up at me with that mischievous yet adorable face, I settle back into my chair and do what I have done the last three days: Check to see if the D90 is finally in stock. And guess what? IT'S OUT! THE NIKON D90 IS OUT! While my dad is telling me to wait a couple months to see what the real product reviews say, my one track mind is thinking, "I want it and I want it now." Nikon has a great history of reviews even when it's the evaluation version, which is usually exactly like the final product version. Sure, my dad is being cautious and what he says is true, but damn. How do I pass up a camera like this? It's absolutely amazing and I have been wanting one of my own for so long. Before, it was the D300. I'd say this is a more cost-friendly option WITH D-movie features and a lot of similar D300 features. I want it and I want it now.
On another note. I love the culture of the city. While I personally think Union Square is a little too crowded for my own liking, the rest of the city is so rich with culture that I love spending hours on end just people-watching. There's great food and interesting stores -- life just never seems to stop there. Sure, stepping onto the jam-packed BART only to hear, "This train is now out of service. Everyone, please get off the train" isn't what I call a ball of fun. But to me, every time I'm in the city, I can feel myself trying to soak every minute in. Unfortunately, yesterday was one of those days when I didn't want to experience San Francisco from behind a lens, so there aren't many pictures worth posting.
The day before, on the other hand. I had the opportunity to hang out with my lovely girls who have had my back since freshman year. Their fascination for Whole Foods is slowly growing on me as I realize just how much stuff they have to offer, including these adorable, eco-friendly bags. I wanted one too.
1 comment:
omg the whole foods people came to our school and gave us those bags for freee :) and they stuffed them with a ton of cute free stuff too. like little oatmeal bars and ice teas and sample shampoos and random stuff. ahh that was a good night.
i miss you. a lot.
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